Kuppa Tea - Kreema - Eezimel - Jolly Juice - Milblend - Newday - One Cup - Salt - Tropikool
‘If you are cold, Tea will warm you.
If you are too heated, Tea will cool you.
If you are depressed, It will Cheer you.
If you are excited, It will calm you.’

Have a Cuppa 

From the warm heart of Africa, to warm the hearts of Africans. Cuppa tea is your luxury brand of handpicked leaves blended to create the perfect cup. Infused with the rich flavor of Africa, Cuppa tea is piquant, strong and refined. 

People first became enchanted with tea in ancient China more than 5,000 years ago. According to the legend, skilled early emperor Shen Nung — a scientist and arts patron — dictated that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution. One summer day while visiting a distant province, his servants began boiling the water. Dried leaves from a nearby bush fell into the pot, and a brown liquid was infused.

As a scientist, Shen Nung was intrigued. He drank some of the strange liquid and found it refreshing. Legend says the drinking of tea was therefore born. This myth shows such a practical narrative; many mythologists believe it may be close to actual events now lost in ancient history. After Shen Nung, the history of tea is filled with exploration, discovery, ritual, and deep satisfaction. From the Far East to the coffee houses of Shakespeare’s day, from the Imperial Russian court to America’s Boston Tea Party, tea is the comfort of every home.  

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